Da In Kim

Yonsei Univ. Information and Interaction Design. Expected B.S. in Feb 2020

Hello, I'm Da In Kim and welcome to my website :) I'm interested in service design, UX/UI design, and marketing. I will keep uploading my personal projects here. If you have any question about my work, send me an email! dynei@naver.com

Work Experience

Contents R&D Internship in Banana Coding - 2018.09 ~ 2019.02

  • 2018 용산IT상상가 커뮤니티 매니저
  • 화성시 ICT 메이커톤 운영
  • 용산 진로직업체험센터 미래야 자유학기제 수업 총괄(선린중, 오산중)
  • 서울시교육청 메이크버스 운영 및 총괄
  • 온라인 아두이노 입문 과정 영상 기획 및 제작

App Service Design Internship in MSC Brain - 2017.12 ~ 2018.02

  • App renewal
  • App UI design

Courses Taken


  • Intro to Information and Interaction Design
  • Basic Drawing
  • Communicating with Type
  • Photography Workshop
  • Design History
  • Color Theory (Wellesley, U.S.)
  • Information and Perception
  • Interaction Design
  • Application Prototyping
  • Techno-Art Capstone Project


  • Introduction to Computer Science (MIT, U.S.)
  • Interactive Media Design
  • Physical Computing Project
  • Object Oriented Programming