ADS of this app

Podbbang is an app for users who want to listen to various audio broadcasting. I redesigned this app. Check out the video.


Podbbang App Redesign

Main Page

    Left is original app, right is redesigned app
  1. Podbbang doesn’t have tab bar on the bottom. Instead, it is located on the top. However, users are more used to using bottom tab bar for navigation and it is much easier to press the bottom tab bar with the thumb, I located the tab bar on the bottom.
  2. There are too many information on the page. There are five buttons on the tab and a hamburger menu. I merged 카테고리 and 순위 together, merged 추천 and 라이브 tab into home, and added 나의 팟 tab which substitutes a button on the bottom right, MY. Moreover, I got rid of the hamburger menu and created 더보기 on the tab bar.
  3. I gave distinction between pod and the episode. Circle indicates an episode of a pod, so in 업데이트 section, the most recent episode comes up. On the other hand, squares in 자주 듣는 팟 section links to the pod with information and list of episodes.
  4. The animation of the app is not intuitive, rather giving confusion. When user clicks hamburger menu on the top left corner, the menu pops up from the bottom. And when user clicks the current play list on the bottom, it pops up from the right side.
  5. Left is original app, right is redesigned app
  6. When user enters to categories tab, it is hard to slide the small area to see numerous categories. So in redesigned app, I listed up the categories so that it's easy to see what categories are there at a sight.
  7. Left is original app, right is redesigned app
  8. In original app, user could only access to the search tab at home tab only. It’s impossible to search a pod or episode when user is in different categories.
  9. As the original app doesn’t have consistency in its design, not really using the main color, which is sky blue, and used many different colors — light purple, dark purple, red, and etc. In redesigned app, point color is in sky blue with a slight gradation of green to purple.